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Construction Paper Native American Rug


The students are learning about Native American culture this month, creating textiles was often a big part of that culture, today the kids can make their own textile out of paper.

Supplies Needed:

From the Art Closet

Construction paper, one piece for each child to use as the base and then several sheets of multiple colors to cut into strips.

Paint and brushes - optional

In the Classroom


glue stick

crayons - if you prefer instead of painting


Have the kids cut the fringe on both short sides of their base piece of paper. Have the kids cut the colorful sheets into 1 - 2 inch strips, they can decorate them and cut them in different patterns, wavy, pointing, straight, whichever they prefer.  Glue the strips onto their base paper leaving a half inch between strips, so the base color shows through.  They can also draw or decorate directly onto the base paper if they prefer.

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