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Tips to help your project run smoothly


1. Some kids finish earlier than others, grab a book or two from the art closet and you can read to the kids a bit about an artist.


2. Ask the teacher if she has any preferences or requests about what type of project she'd like the kids to work on.


3. Keep it simple - you would rather have extra time at the end to fill than have sad kids who can't finish the project.


4.  Communicate with the other Trained Parents regarding your lesson idea and make sure no one else was planning a lesson.  


5.  Share your experiences with Arts and Enrichment so we can update the projects with your tips and tricks.


6.  Take pictures of the kids doing the project and the finished products - the teacher or room mom will like the  action photos and we would love to have ones of the finished products.


7.  Plan the start of each lesson with a brief explanation of the project and what it's going to cover. Make sure the "lesson" part of the lesson is short and interesting (think visuals) to keep the kids interest.


8.  Make sure kids know that art, music and poetry are subjective and creative. Although we are trying to teach basic concepts, we don't want them to think there is a "right way" and a "wrong way" or be too critical of themselves if their project isn't "perfect".


9.  Have an example or two made so the kids can see what they'll be doing. I usually get my child to make one with me in advance.  If you choose an activity from this site, most have an example you could share on the smartboard or your tablet.


10.Have fun! This is supposed to be a fun time for both you and the kids. Don't stress if everything doesn't go as you planned. Just roll with it and enjoy being in the classroom.



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